Wellness Retreat Around the World: Brookwood House – Roanoke Virginia, USA

Wellness Retreat Around the World: Brookwood House – Roanoke Virginia, USA

This one-of-a-kind structure in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains is truly a retreat haven.

Q: Can you tell us the name of your retreat center/venue and where are you located?*

A: Brookwood House – Roanoke Virginia


Q: What is so special/unique about your property/location that sets it apart?*

A: One of a kind structure in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The floor to ceiling windows allow for an outside feel while inside. Brookwood has a 60,000 gallon pool and is nestled creekside of a bubbling brook. Surrounded by nature Brookwood was curated for inspiration, healing, and regeneration.


Q: Why did you create the space? You can share a backstory of your inspiration or any story that’s unique to your property. *

A: The owners Adam and Lizza, curated Brookwood for the purpose of bringing people together — our mission statement sums it up well – Brookwood House-Remember what matters A refuge A place of peace, For Families For connection For artists For regeneration


Q: What activities and amenities are available in your venue and surrounding area?*

A: Brookwood offers many amenities for the comfort of our guests. Fine linens, towels, we supply all hygiene products, and so much more. Roanoke Virginia was voted top adventure town in 2023. Roanoke has many to-dos and has a great selection of good eats. 


Q: What is the nearest International airport? How do we get to your venue from there. *

A: Roanoke Regional Airport is 20 minutes away , Greensboro NC would be the closest international airport which is 1.5 hours away.


Q: Is there any other thing you want to share that makes your venue an ideal retreat location?*

A: Our private one of a kind villa is surrounded by the healing properties of nature. It is the perfect location for intimate retreats. With the option to immerse yourself in nature at all times.


Q: How can they contact/book your place?*

A: You can email at info@brookwood.house, call our Guest Manager, Natalie at 540-759-1850 or contact us at https://brookwood.house/ 


“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

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